FOLLOWING advice from Northumbria police and Newcastle City Council, supporters were encouraged to instead light a candle on their doorstep to remember the 33-year-old. THE vigil, in response to the disappearance and murder of Sarah Everard, was meant to take place on 13 March in Newcastle City Centre. But was cancelled […]
138 victims of domestic abuse every day in NE – women 26-30 most at risk
THE death of Sarah Everard has raised many questions on the number of cases of harassment, sexual offences and domestic abuse in the UK. SR News has analysed data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the North East to understand the situation in our region. Data shows […]
Vaccine bus takes to the road to boost jab take-up rates on Tyneside
TRANSPORT company Go North East has rolled out a mobile Covid-19 vaccine unit – ‘the vaccination bus’. Targeting the East and West Ends of Newcastle, where vaccination take-up rate has been disappointing, it is hoped the bus will encourage people from disadvantaged backgrounds to get the jab, initially visiting […]
John Lewis Newcastle staff await news of 42 stores selected for lockdown axe
JOHN Lewis has announced that 42 more of its stores are under threat, after Covid lockdowns created a £517m loss for the department chain over the last year, during which it closed eight stores. The possibility of more store closures may mean jobs will be at risk in Newcastle, […]
Urban green spaces boost wellbeing but many lack access to city parks and gardens
Sunderland City Council announced in February that 2,000 more trees are to be planted across the city, including alder, aspen and oak trees. Meanwhile, Newcastle City Council is working in partnership with the National Trust and Urban Green Newcastle to plant blossom trees. Popular in Japan, the National Trust aims […]
Man arrested after gun fired in Tyneside Metro station argument
A MAN was arrested on Monday morning after an alleged shooting in Newcastle. Police were called to an incident near Walkergate Metro Station at 8am, after residents reported gunfire during an argument between four men. Nobody was injured and witnesses reported seeing two men with a gun get into […]
National Trust blossom tree plan aiming to signal hope in Newcastle
THE National Trust (NT) and partners are planning to plant blossom tree circles in cities across England, Wales and Northern Ireland – including the North East. Designs are being drawn up for groves in Nottingham, Newcastle and Plymouth, with other sites to follow. The Trust says its ambition is […]
Newcastle’s e-scooter usage hours limited as midnight joyrides plague local residents
E-SCOOTERS will now only be available between 5 am-11 pm after Newcastle City Council received reports of mis-use and joyriding. A spokesperson for Neuron Mobility said: “We have already put in place a citywide curfew that will immobilise all of our e-scooters between 11 pm and 5 am throughout […]
“The Government’s focus should be on safety first” says Trade Union on the plans to open non-essential businesses this April
THE North East is relieved that lockdown restrictions are coming to an end, giving hope for holiday makers booking their summer holidays and leaving local businesses preparing to see the return of customers. However, “Safety should be a number one priority when businesses re-open,” according to a trade union. BUSINESS […]
Prime Minister’s return to school plan criticised by teaching unions
BORIS Johnson’s decision to reopen all schools in England on the 8th of March has left unions in the North East “bewildered.” PRIME Minister Boris Johnson announced in the House of Commons that all schools and colleges in England will return on the 8th March. The return to school will […]