ANTISOCIAL behaviour was the most frequent crime in the North East during lockdown, in a period spanning from April 2020-March 2021.
This particular crime accounted for 34.1% of all crimes in the North East during this period, with 110,000 crimes being committed.
The North East has seen a huge rise in antisocial behaviour over the past year, with an annual change of plus 46.5%.

Tyne and Wear had 62,127 cases of antisocial behaviour, whilst Durham had 36,894 cases and Northumberland had 11,165 cases.
Violent crime accounted for 27.7% of all crimes committed in the North East over the lockdown period, with a total of 89,600 cases.
Durham and Tyne and Wear were responsible for 81,228 of violent crime cases, as Northumberland only had 8,394 cases of violent crime.
Despite the high number of cases, violent crime had an annual change of minus 2.6%.
Criminal damage and arson had an annual change of minus 13.1%, despite being the third most frequent crime in the North East over the lockdown period accounting for 9.3% of all crimes in the North East during the lockdown period.

Northumberland was accountable for just 2,833 of the 30,200 cases across the North East of criminal damage and arson.
Tyne and Wear had 15,703 cases of criminal damage and arson, whilst Durham had 11,696 cases.
There were 26,000 cases of public order crime, which totalled 8% of all crime in the North East.
Tyne and Wear was the only region with less than 10,000 cases of public order crime, with a total of 14,990.
Despite having an annual change of minus 3.8%, Durham had 8,321 cases and Northumberland had 2,659 of public order crime.

Shoplifting, burglary and other theft saw huge decreases in the annual change of crime.
Shoplifting had a decrease of 41.3%, whilst burglary had a decrease of 27.7% and other theft had a decrease of 30.1%.
These three crimes had a total of 38,600 crimes committed across the North East, which combined accounted for 11.8% of all crimes in the North East between April 2020 and March 2021.
Other crime saw a rise of 12.8% in the annual change, totalling 6,700 cases of all crimes committed in the North East.
Accounting for just 0.5% of all crimes in the North East, possession of weapons had an annual change of minus 9.6%.
There were only five crimes which were below the national crime rate in the North East.
Drugs, bicycle theft, vehicle crime, theft from person and robbery combined accounted for 6.4% of all crimes committed in the North East, which totalled to 20,400 crimes.
Bicycle theft, vehicle crime, theft from person and robbery all saw a decrease of 3.3%, 29.9%, 47%, 24.3% in annual change respectively, whilst drugs saw an increase in annual change of 9.4%.