Councillor Philip Tye has started a campaign to bring the pulley wheel from Albany, Washington back to Silksworth Colliery, Sunderland. Local groups including the Silksworth Resident’s Association Silksworth Heritage Group, Silksworth Banner Group and local councillors have been trying to find the location of the pulley wheel so that the […]
Author: Candice Farrow
Is the Starbucks 5p tax coming to the North East?
Starbucks has been the first UK coffee chain to trial the ‘latte levy’ – a 5p charge on non-recyclable takeaway coffee cups. The aim is to reduce the overuse and waste of 2.5billion disposable cups every year. During the three-month trial, in 35 selected London branches, customers buying hot drinks […]
England’s First Air-Purifying ‘Moss Tree’ Installed In Newcastle
England’s first air-purifying ‘moss tree’ has been installed in Newcastle city centre where it will create new opportunities for research into the benefits of the plant’s natural filtering abilities. Northumbrian Water Group has been working with a range of partners on the plans since July 2017, to identify the ways […]
North East Sainsbury’s staff fear redundancies in shake-up
NORTH East Sainsbury’s staff are voicing fears that a store management redeployment exercise may lead to job losses. The new structure will see team leader and manager posts being reduced and staff retrained for new roles. But a team leader at a North East branch, who did not want to […]
Meet the Sunderland ladies of the Knitting and Crochet Guild
These social ladies meet every month to build friendships and to knit. They meet in the textiles department at the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens on the second Wednesday of every month. Established in 1978 for education, innovation and preservation: the Sunderland Knitting and Crochet Guild aspire to excel and […]