Meet the Sunderland ladies of the Knitting and Crochet Guild

These social ladies meet every month to build friendships and to knit.

They meet in the textiles department at the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens on the second Wednesday of every month.

Established in 1978 for education, innovation and preservation: the Sunderland Knitting and Crochet Guild aspire to excel and achieve high standards in their practice at every level of experience.

The ladies who gather are more than welcome to share their experience and knowledge. They believe that young people should be encouraged to knit, as the art form should live on.

You can join the Guild for £25 a year or for £10 if you are under 18 years old. The benefits of joining the guild include access to a private collection that holds textiles of museum quality and interest.

For more information and features visit their website at

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