WATCH: Friends of Sunderland’s Museums welcome talk on Art Deco architecture

Video and words: Pamela Bilalova, Stela Taneva, Eugenija Steponkuté and Alisha Rose Jackson

The Friends of Sunderland Museums (FOSUMS) have welcomed Dr Michael Johnson for a special talk in Sunderland Museum.

An audience of more than 80 people attended his talk on Art Deco Buildings in Sunderland and the city’s rich legacy of buildings, cinemas, churches, synagogues and even a chip shop from the period last Saturday (March 12).

FOSUMS support Sunderland Museum in a number of ways, but mostly through providing extra funding – most recently, they helped to buy three paintings by L. S. Lowry.

The Friends of the Museums also do some work for Monkwearmouth Station Museum, which might face closure due to funding cuts.

FOSUMS’ members gather each month and run the Museum gardens by maintaining the flower beds, weeding and planting. These gardens have won Sunderland in Bloom and Northumbria in Bloom awards.

Ashley Sutherland, vice chairman of FOSUMS, said: “We don’t want to see those gardens go to waste, which I’m afraid will happen if we can’t get access to them and we won’t be able to maintain them.”

The organization currently has more than 150 members. For more information, visit FOSUMS’ website

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