Not many British citizens can say that they have been jailed in a foreign country, but for a few, this is an unfortunate reality of their lives. According to the Office of National statistics, some of the countries that have the highest number of British nationals imprisoned are USA, Spain, […]
Author: Stacey Mcmaster
Eight Fantastic Foods that you know if you live in the North East
The North East is known for many things; being friendly, industrious and of course our wonderful accents. We are not vastly known for our great culinary skills however you can’t deny the North East has created its fair share of dishes that we all know and love. Which ones are […]
Suzy Lamplugh Trust launch ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’ report
As part of the National Stalking Awareness week, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust have launched a report into the local response of stalking by statutory agencies like police. This is a follow-up report from two years previously when a similar report was launched. Eight police and crime commissioners have since commissioned […]
Sunderland Racing Team drives their way to success!
Sunderland is not the first place that you may think of when it comes to racing cars. However, Sunderland has its own student lead racing team where they not only drive, but build cars as well. The company, AMAP, has made this dream a reality for those with a passion […]
Graffiti: Art or vandalism?
Graffiti has long been a discussion involving much contempt and creativity. Some people see it as an artistic output, and others see it as criminal activity that should be curtailed. Ever since the bohemian revolution in the 19th century it has become more and more predominant in our society. One of […]
WATCH: Why Sunderland deserves to be named UK City of Culture 2021
Sunderland is bidding for the UK City of Culture 2021. The City of Culture vote being held every four years and designed to give a location in the UK funding to increase its arts and culture, and has the most potential for improvement. The next budget declared by the Heritage Lottery […]
How stressed is Sunderland? Stress Awareness Month starts tomorrow
Since 1992, April has been Stress Awareness month in the UK. As our modern lives have become increasingly hectic many people have become much more stressed as a result. In some cases this has led to an increase in mental health problems affecting the quality of our lives. Now across […]
New sport campaign for LGBT acceptance
Sunderland Football Club and LGBT rights group are joining to campaign for acceptance in sport. This weekend Sunderland AFC and Stonewall are campaigning to make sport’s everyone game as part of rainbow’s laces week. The Premier League is showing their support for the campaign at every fixture this weekend. At […]
Sunderland students rally in protest against Higher Education Bill
Sunderland students are rallying against university changes by going down to London with Northumbria Students Union. They will be demonstrating against the new Higher Education Bill that is to be introduced to Parliament. On November 19, the Student’s Union in Sunderland and Northumbria are going to London for the ‘United […]