Yes, it’s that time of year! It’s the time where we see endless Instagram and Facebook posts of diamond rings and #shesaidyes. So if you’re feeling the festive vibes and thinking of popping the question this Christmas then we have some romantic spots lined up for the magical moment.
Author: Nicole Wood
12 activities guaranteed to help you get over your ex
Getting over a break up is never easy. Facebook stalking, endless shots and scrolling through your camera roll is inevitably going to happen and being sad for a little while is normal. Moving on doesn’t always have to mean moving on to someone new, it means learning to be yourself […]
Newcastle’s Flares holds charity Clubbercise event
Get your glow stick at the ready and take part in a Saturday night like no other as Clubbercise takes over Flares dance floor on May 13. Radio Lollipop worker, Louise Sharp and fitness instructor, Melanie James are hosting a charity event like no other to raise money for the […]
Sunderland to host walk for World Autism Awareness Month
The North East Autism Society will be hosting a walk to raise awareness for the disorder as they celebrate World Autism Awareness Month. The one-mile walk will take place at Herrington Country Park on April 21 at 10am. Charlotte Gordon, from Gateshead, and her 6-year-old son, will both be participating […]
Mother-Of-Three Finds Work As Self-Employment Opportunities Rise
Self-employment is beginning to rise again in the UK according to recent data provided by the Office for National Statistics. Over the past five years the employment rate in the North East has gone from 65.6% to 69.1%. Lindsay Wood, from Gateshead, is a self-employed worker under the umbrella of […]