Whitley Bay woman knitting hats for Syrian refugees

A Whitley Bay woman has begun knitting hats for Syrian refugees.

Whitley Bay knitter Beccy Owen’s wooly hats for Syrian refugees/photo by Beccy Owen.
Whitley Bay knitter Beccy Owen’s wooly hats for Syrian refugees/photo by Beccy Owen.

Beccy Owen began knitting two years ago to help with depression and anxiety and has now said she is “addicted.”

She knitted hats for Refugee Aid Network UK and is now making them for Knit For Peace.

Ms Owen is a professional musician within the North East and runs Pop Up Choirs across the region and natioanally.

Ms Owen said: “Someone in one of my choirs mentioned the refugees were in need of warm clothes as well as me wanting to do something practical to try to help, even if a drop in the ocean ‘one warm head at a time!’

“The refugee crisis is on my mind a lot and I think it’s vital to try to do what we can to alleviate some of the ways in which our fellow humans suffer, many of whom have fled terrible conditions to find themselves now in terrible conditions.”

Beccy Owen with her knitting needles and wool.
Beccy Owen with her knitting needles and wool.

She is hoping to send the hats before Christmas, but is in need or more wool.

If you would like to get involved you can bring yarn and made items to Beccy’s Pop Up Christmas Choir event on December 17, between 1pm and 3.3opm at the Cumberland Arms in Newcastle, although there are only a few spaces left.

More information on the event can be found here.

You can also send yarn and made items to Refugee Appeal, Knit for Peace, Radius Works, Back Lane, London NW3 1HL.

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