Sunderland Carers Centre is one of the North East winners in the ITV’s The People’s Projects.
Their winning entry, Rainbows and Rollercoasters, will see the centre receive £49,865 of Big Lottery funding.
The funding will allow the centre to continue to provide support and activities for young carers, aged 5 to 25, who help to look after someone in the family at home because they are disabled, have a long-term illness, a mental health illness or a problem with alcohol or drugs.
Each finalist had to campaign for votes between February 29 and March 13.
The winners were those who received the highest number of votes.
Graham Burt, chief executive officer of Sunderland Carers’ Centre, said: “During our two week campaign, we were absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of support the young carers and the centre received.
“We called on the people of Sunderland and beyond to make us their People’s Project and they certainly rallied to the call.”
As part of the campaign the centre was keen to involve as many people in the city as possible with staff and young carers visiting places such as schools, hospitals, GP practices and supermarkets as well as campaigning at some of the city’s famous landmarks.
Mr Burt added: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted and supported our campaign.
“It was an amazing two weeks and the funding will make such a huge difference to the lives of young carers.”
Rainbows and Rollercoasters was the only Sunderland project in the competition.