Sunderland students to take part in challenge for local school


Students from the University of Sunderland are taking part in a challenge competition with other gyms throughout the country.

The challenge, called Lets Move For A Better World, is due to begin on March 1 and carries on till March 19.

During this period participants, who must be a member of  the CitySpace gym, must make as many exercise moves as possible.

The winning gym will receive £7,000 of Technogym equipment to donate to their chosen charity.

The gym in 2nd place receive £3,500 of equipment, while 3rd place will get £2,100.

The Cityspace gym has chosen Portland School as their local charity.

It is a local Sunderland school for children who are disabled.

CitySpace manager, Kevin Ludlow said: “It’s the first year that we have taken on this challenge and it is a great initiative for us to be involved in.

“We are urging everyone to register and take part as it is not only a great way to keep fit, but it would be fantastic if we can get the equipment for Portland School.”

The Cityspace gym is in competition against other Technogym wellness gyms in the UK.

Students who wish to register for the challenge can register here and click to join the challenge.

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