Thursday 3 March is annual World Book Day and UK registered charity Book Aid for Africa (BAFA) are looking for volunteers to help raise funds during the week of the event.
The charity’s aim is to raise funds to aid more book shipments to countries across Africa who have requested them and continue to provide good quality textbooks to help give children a bright future.
Schools across the region have been targeted to get involved with fund raising activities to generate funds and get students involved with this charitable cause.
Elewechi Okike, BAFA’s Chair/CEO, said: “BAFA Management Team hope to raise hundreds of pounds for World Book Day, as many fundraising initiatives are going on around the region.”
To find out how you can help, visit the website where you donate a cash sum or some books, sponsor a shipment, volunteer or organise your own fund raising event to support the charity.
For a quick donation you can text BAFA222 to 70070 and the amount you would like to donate (e.g. BAFA22 10 would mean a donation of £10).
To make an enquiry email