Northumbria Police have responded to Roosh V’s Return of Kings event which was due to take place in Newcastle on Saturday (February 6).
They said in a statement: “We want to reassure residents in Newcastle, after media coverage has appeared in recent days in relation to the ‘Return of Kings event’, that it is proposed to take place in the city on Saturday night.
“Our view, along with every other reasonable person, is that everything this group stands for is abhorrent and there is no place for it in our city.
“We will have extra officers on patrol in the area around Greys Monument on Saturday evening to reassure members of the public and monitor what, if any, activity takes place.
“We will deal with any incidents swiftly and will not tolerate any acts that incite or encourage individuals to commit criminal offences.
“Newcastle is a safe, diverse and welcoming city and we will not allow the actions of a very small minority to jeopardise this.”