St Patrick’s Day is one of the most popular holidays across the world. However, to those without direct Irish links, its cultural significance can often be lost behind the partying. For the members of Newcastle’s Tyneside Irish Centre, the day means much more than that. See video:
Tag: irish
Newcastle’s Biggest St. Patrick’s Day Festival Brings People Together
Families came together at the weekend to celebrate Newcastle’s biggest St. Patrick’s Day Festival. This took place at the Tyneside Irish Centre on Sunday 18 March to encourage friendship with everyone. Tyneside Irish Centre Committee Member, Bill Corcoran said: “We invite our friends from different national cultural communities here and […]
St Patrick’s Day at Chaplins
A popular Sunderland pub is set to host its third annual event to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. City centre pub Chaplins are to host another St Patrick’s Day event to celebrate the Irish holiday on March 17. The event has been a success the previous two years, now being branded […]