HOMELESS and addicted on heroine, methadone, crack-cocaine and alcohol for 20 years – Earl Charlton takes up the challenge of Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB) to raise money for charity. UWCB has raised over £21.5m for Cancer Research, with 15,000 complete amateurs each year stepping from the street and into […]
MA Video Articles
Sunderland residents call for more CCTV and lighting in city
SUNDERLAND residents are calling for more CCTV and lighting. This comes after a UN study found 97 per cent of UK women aged 18-24 have experienced sexual harassment, raising concerns regarding women’s safety. Residents highlighted green spaces as areas needing more CCTV and lighting. The council says it’s dedicated to […]
Gabe Adams – All a-snowboard for ‘Big-Air’ – Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
Have you ever wondered what it would take to get to the Winter Olympics in snowboarding? Nurture or nature? Nic Eatch for SR-News met with Gabe Adams, just 18, from rural Shropshire, to find out how he became ‘Big’ in the world of snowboarding. Plus a unique parents perspective of […]
Newcastle’s e-scooter usage hours limited as midnight joyrides plague local residents
E-SCOOTERS will now only be available between 5 am-11 pm after Newcastle City Council received reports of mis-use and joyriding. A spokesperson for Neuron Mobility said: “We have already put in place a citywide curfew that will immobilise all of our e-scooters between 11 pm and 5 am throughout […]
How much is lockdown learning damaging our schoolchildren?
PHYSIOLOGICAL researchers say children need school to develop cognitive and communication skills, and mental and physical health – so how many of these key areas are they missing out on during online teaching? Traditionally, many young teens have thought of school as the ‘worst experience of their lives’ – […]