Eight Monuments In the Tyne and Wear region that you should visit

All monuments represent something. They play homage to people who once lived and did great things for the country. We went around Tyne and Wear capturing photos of some of the monuments in the region, and created an interactive map so that you can visit them. Not all of the monuments were built as homage to people, and are instead artistic but are equally interesting to visit.

We spoke to two history societies in Sunderland and Newcastle to see what they think of the monuments in Tyne and Wear.

We first spoke to Sunderland Antiquarian society. When asked what their favourite monument was, they said: “If we’re looking at commemorative monuments, [ours] has to be Penshaw Monument for its history, what it stood for and its environs.”

They were also asked which monument they would recommend to tourists. They responded: “Penshaw Monument or Greys Monument and although not historical, the Angel of The North because it can be interpreted in so many ways.”

Victor Harlow, a member of the Society of Antiquaries in Newcastle upon Tyne also spoke to us. We also asked what his favourite monument was and he told us: “If the definition of monument is taken to mean a building or structure with historical importance then for me it has to be Hadrians wall. Or the swing bridge for what it represents as a symbol of Tyneside engineering ingenuity and the economic shift it helped facilitate along with the Tyne improvement act.”

“If monument is to mean a statue placed as a structure of memory, then I would pick the stature erected through public subscription to Joseph Cowen Jr. For personal reasons but also as a symbol of Tyneside radical politics, our literary heritage, education and commitment to the international community.”

“As for a tourist wanting a day out; there are some excellent walking tours.”

Which Monuments will you visit? Have you already visited them, which was your favourite? let us know!

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