Chants of “Change your diet for the planet, EAT THE RICH!” echo through Newcastle city centre this valentines day as another climate protest hits the streets.
Lead by international students of Newcastle and Northumbria universities, the movement called ‘Friday for Freedom’ was inspired by teenage activist Greta Thunburg and saw a gathering of people from a diverse spectrum of ages and backgrounds march from Newcastle Civic Centre to Grey’s Monument.
The march took the protest down Northumberland street, with flags, banners, chanting and a police escort the march certainly gained the attention of the public as well as applause in some cases.
A spokesperson for the protest Paul Moorhouse laid the blame at the door of the rich for the climate crisis, saying:
“Our society is run for a tiny minority when you look at the carbon used by the rich as opposed to the amount used by the vast majority, its staggering.
It’s also not true that’s its the older generation that’s screwed the earth, its the rich and powerful and a system run for profits that’s screwed the earth.”
Paul’s goal for protests was to encourage everyone to:
“Live in harmony with the world and build a better future.”
The Green Party demonstrate their support for the protests known, as party member Nick Hartley marched alongside the activists and delivered a speech.
In an interview with SR News Nick Hartley was keen to show his party’s support for the protest and the reaction they are causing, stating:
“The green party supports what is happening here today. The young people speaking out on climate change and are putting it on the agenda in a way no other campaign has. They’ve really forced our councils and the government to really listen.”
However, when it came to discussing the actions being taken by the government, Hartley was sceptical:”
“They’ve declared a national climate emergency but their actions haven’t yet matched their words. We want proper investment in our public transport, get more people cycling and less people driving.”