Where is your polling station?

Check the map below to find out where you can vote.

For further information please contact Sunderland City Council electoral services on 0191 520 5550 for more information about emergency proxy applications.
If you would like further information, contact Electoral Services on 0191 520 5550 or email elections@sunderland.gov.uk.

Students can vote using either their university or home address and, while it is legal to be registered in two areas, it is a criminal offence to vote in both.

If students are already registered at their home address, they can use a postal vote or proxy vote if they are unable to return home today.

A proxy voter must be aged 18 or over and also registered to vote. If you are unexpectedly incapacitated due to illness for example, you can apply for an emergency proxy as long as it is before 5pm today.

Your polling station will be on your personal polling card.

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