There will be a march from Sunderland to Westminster organised by campaigners who want to see the UK complete the business of leaving the EU.
The march will be led by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage who is planning to set off from Wearside on March 16.
This march is due to finish in parliament square on March 29, the day that Britain is due to leave the EU.
Farage said: “The Westminster elite are in the process of betraying the British people over Brexit.
“All of us who want Britain to be a great country once again accept that we must be prepared to stand up for what we believe in and fight for our independence.”
Theresa May announced that she will offer MPs a vote on blocking a no-deal Brexit or extending negotiations, which means that it is no longer certain the Government will take the UK out of the EU that day. Meanwhile, opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has said his party will back a second referendum after Labour’s alternative Brexit plan was defeated in Parliament.
It is approximately 270 miles from Sunderland to Westminster and the journey will take leave campaigners through Middlesbrough after setting off from Sunderland.
Different marchers are expected to take part in each leg of the route, which is planned to end with a mass rally in Parliament Square.
Leave Means Leave is charging £50 to take part in the March To Leave. The official website says that each fee-paying ‘core marcher’ receives an ‘official March To Leave kit’, while those marching for two or more days will get accommodation, breakfast and dinner, as well as transfers to their accommodation.
One person taking part in the march from Sunderland, Aaron Keelan, spoke to SRNews about his role in the campaign.
He said: “I think it is important to show people that we’re prepared to stand up for what we believe in.
“It is great that something like this is starting in the North East and I am proud of the momentum a movement like this is gaining.
“Although I’m not going all the way to Westminster being a part of something like this will be great fun if nothing else.”