11 businesses in Sunderland are currently listed on the Food Standards Agency website as having a food hygiene rating of 1 or below, we can reveal*.
One business, Hylton Chop Suey House in Millfield, received a rating of 0 with “major improvement necessary”.
According to the Food Standards Agency website, ratings are based on: the handling of the food, how the food is stored, how the food is prepared, the cleanliness of facilities and how food safety is managed.
The businesses listed can be found in the map above.
Speaking about the ratings, Sunderland City Council’s Portfolio Holder for City Services Michael Mordey said: “Whilst it is disappointing that there are premises rated as 1 * in Sunderland, this equates to 0.72% of the 2017 food premises we rate in the City.
“Our number of 1* rated premises as a proportion of our total number of premises is considerably less than the average figure for our local region and we work very hard to ensure that these food business operators improve their practices in order to raise the standards to at least a 3* compliant rating within months of inspection.
“We do this by focusing upon the premises with additional visits, advice and, where necessary, legal action.”
A spokesperson for the Food Standards Agency said: “The FSA do not name and shame any food business. Businesses which are given low ratings must make urgent or major improvements to hygiene standards.
“The local authority food safety officer has several enforcement options available as well as giving advice and guidance to make sure these improvements are made. The food safety officer will also tell the business how quickly these improvements must be made and this will depend on the type of issue that needs to be addressed.
“If the officer finds that a business’s hygiene standards are very poor and there is an imminent risk to public health, when food may be unsafe to eat, the officer must act to ensure consumers are protected. This could result in stopping part of the business or closing it completely until it is safe to recommence.”
*Ratings correct as of Tuesday May 8, 2018