Tony “the Fridge” Phoenix Morrison, is set to complete a gruelling challenge for the Chloe and Liam Together Forever Trust.
Last month Mr Phoenix Morrison took part in the Spartan Beast – which saw him take on 35 obstacles over a 17 mile course, all with a kitchen appliance on his back.
The 53-year-old from Hebburn will be tackling the last two events of the Spartan Tri-Sector – the Spartan Super and the Spartan Sprint in Marston Lodge in Leicester on September 2 and September 3 respectively.
The charity star, who is most known for running the Great North Run while carrying a fridge on his back, is competing in his latest feat for Liam Curry, 19, and Chloe Rutherford, 17, who sadly lost their lives in the Manchester Arena attack on May 22.

Mr Phoenix Morrison, who uses the fridge to demonstrate the burden of cancer, said: “I lost my dear friend Liam Curry. With the Spartan race I thought ‘what a great way to pay tribute to my little mate.’ He meant everything to me.
“Hopefully we can all take lessons from the giving, selfless lad that he was. How he always looked out at how he could help the world even when things were going wrong for him. He always helped people so I take that with me in my life.”
“For what little token gesture it is, maybe it’ll help me as well. I’m not afraid to admit that when I take on challenges like this that maybe it’ll heal a little bit in me as well.”
The pair met at a Thank the Fundraisers Day with the Bobby Robson Foundation – a charity close to Liam’s heart.
“I never looked outwards, I never looked at how I could help the world and I met this young lad [Liam] who did. Having experienced similar things as he had, I reacted completely differently so I was inspired by this young lad.
The fundraising stars used to train together, and frequently with Liam’s father, who sadly lost his battle with cancer in March this year.
“I hadn’t come across anybody with the determination of this lad. He never missed a session and never complained. That’s where our friendship stayed,” Mr Phoenix Morrison added.

Chloe Rutherford had a passion for performance, while Liam Curry had a love for sport.
The Chloe and Liam Together Forever Trust, in memory of the teenagers, has been set up to help those who have the potential to go far in the world of performance or sport but do not have the funds to further their talents.
“During the race we will be wearing t-shirts with Chloe and Liam on. Chloe and Liam used to like to travel together.They were properly in love. Wherever I go somewhere, I take a picture of them as I will at the weekend. We will hold that up and we’ll hashtag Chloe and Liam Were Here.”

A group of people, from Eco Logic based in Gateshead, will join the superstar with the fridge on his back, during the weekend.
To donate to the cause, visit Tony Phoenix Morrison’s fundraising page.