By Alisha Blunt
Water bills on Wearside are to rise by 1.8 per cent from April, it has been found.
Compared to last year’s 13p a week charge for Northumbrian water and sewerage services, it has now increased to an average of £1 per day.
Water charges vary from household to household, depending on factors including water use and size of property.
Northumbrian Water says it will continue its multi-million pound investment programme to maintain and improve the quality of the drinking water, protect the environment and provide good services to its 2.7 million customers in the North East.
The company will invest £180m on essential improvements from April 2016, as part of its £900m programme of works from 2015-2020.
The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) meanwhile says that water companies must make sure those who cannot afford to pay their bills are given help.
Northumbrian Water’s chief executive officer, Hedi Mottram, said: “We have focussed on our efficiency to keep bills as low as possible, but we are very aware that some people have difficulty managing the family budget, and the affordability of our services is always a concern.”
Those facing difficulty paying their bills can find more at www.nwl.co.uk/your-home/your-account/ or www.stepchange.org