Proposals to cut the Sunderland Airshow budget were introduced at a recent Sunderland City Council budget meeting. The Conservative Group propose to host the Sunderland Airshow every two years instead of it being an annual event, in an attempt to save £2 million on their 2019/20 budget plan. The proposed […]
Tag: Sunderland Airshow
Tall ships and Airshow boost Sunderland economy by £19.3 million
Two of Sunderland’s biggest events this year have generated millions of pounds for the economy in the region. According to Sunderland council, the tall ships and the air show brought in 1.2 million people. Visitors spent money on a variety of things, including accommodation, transport and entertainment: the majority of money […]
Airshow Day 3 Highlights
That’s it! Done and dusted! The 28th Sunderland International Airshow has came to close. But you can watch our highlights of the final day of the airshow including an interview with RAF Flight Lieutenant Kevin Miller who commentated on the Memorial Flights(Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfire) Air displays from Matadors, RAF […]