[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=zBFB5cbJUil8.kbWzngW16mig&w=640&h=480] The North East of England is the ‘least healthy’ place in the UK, new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest. The region came last place in a table of English regions, showing an average life expectancy of 77.8 years. Comparing it to the rest of […]
Ambulance and Fire Services join forces for new North East blue light trial
A new six-month trial scheme will see North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) and the four Fire and Rescue Services based in the North East work together to save more lives. The trail means that Emergency Medical Response Units, known as EMRs, will deliver emergency medical services. The service will be […]
UNISON Northern Region to protest against student nurse bursary axe
UNISON Northern Region are organising a rally at Grey’s Monument, Newcastle on Saturday (January 9) to support the NHS Bursary ahead of a Parliamentary debate on the issue on January 11. The Government plans, announced as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Spending Review, is believed to force nurses into debt […]