The National Health Service is experiencing a funding crisis due to a staff deficiency in the North East of England.
A report by House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts shows that there are 100,ooo vacancies across the UK, of which 23,000 are available in North East England.
According to the report, the shortages “present a major obstacle to the NHS’s financial viability and we remain concerned about how the NHS can suitably address these workforce shortages.”
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said:
“Putting the NHS back onto a sustainable financial footing is a key priority of the Long Term Plan and our historic five-year funding settlement of an extra £33.9 billion a year by 2023/24 gives the health service the certainty it needs to deliver world-class care for patients.
“There are tens of thousands more doctors and nurses on our wards than in 2010 and thanks to their dedication, thousands of patients get excellent, safe care every day. The upcoming Workforce Implementation Plan will set out how we can ensure the NHS has the staff it needs for future years.”
In the North East, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, was to spend £14.8m more than initially scheduled.
City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust was expected to go £682,000 over budget.
A brief by NHS Trust South Tyneside said: “Rates for City Hospitals Sunderland have decreased significantly in 2017/18, but remain above target.”
Some trusts have gone over their budget whereas others have under-spent. Whilst NHS spending seems to be on track, a lot of individual trusts are experiencing major difficulties.
Steven Callender, HR officer at NHS Newcastle, said: “I have been witnessing a major lack of staff in our company; even though we get decent salaries, we suffer from a lack of staff.
“The NHS is the one of the world’s largest employers and needs staff in order to maintain its performance and improve its structure. I feel like that has always been the case in the North East.”
Click here to see latest NHS job vacancies.