Former health café Bojangles located on Sea Road, Fulwell is to re-open as Sunderland’s first Micro Bar.
Although some objections, the plans were set and accepted by the council on March 27.
A Micro Bar is defined as a ‘small free house which serves cask ales, promotes conversation, and shuns all forms of electronic entertainment.’
Sea Road/Fulwell Traders Association stated: “We welcome the arrival of the new Micro Brewery on Sea Road. Any new business coming into the area is good news and could provide a boost to the other traders.”
The bar will welcome people of all ages and is actually the first Micro Bar in all of Sunderland.
Ian Colquhoun, who went to the former café regularly, stated: “It is sad Bojangles has closed but it will be good that there are plans to turn it into a bar, as that is something missing around this area.”
Fullwell Traders Association also stated: ‘What we need in Fulwell is a good mix of unique businesses that will attract more visitors and shoppers. Providing that there is no disruption to local residents, we feel that this is a positive addition to Fulwell.”
With plans to begin work within the building still to commence, the public now has the wait for the grand opening of the bar in the near future.