It is near impossible to find a North-Easterner who isn’t obsessed with food and while not particularly renowned for the finest culinary heritage, the North-East is home to some mouth-watering unique dishes. There are recipes out there scattered across the North that’ll make you feel like Oliver Twist asking for more!
One of the best things about dishes known to the North East are the names given to them. If you’ve ever wondered what a Singin’ Hinnie is, you’re about to find out…
Here we have compiled a list of the best dishes the North East has to offer:
1. Pease Pudding
A common North East dish, this complements the majority of foods following. Traditionally made from split yellow or Carlin peas, with water, salt and spices. It is cooked with a bacon or ham joint. It is also best friends with the stottie, as it is used for a filling in a lot of sandwiches.
2. Stotties
The comfort food of the North, Stotties are loaves of bread, flat and round in shape. There is an indent in the middle made so that a filling may be placed there. The stottie is usually paired with pease pudding.
3. Parmo
Created in Middlesbrough, a parmo is one of the prides of the North. The dish is deep-fried meat, usually chicken, covered in breadcrumbs and drowned in white béchamel sauce and cheese. It is the perfect comfort food to fill your belly!
4. Singin’ Hinnies
Singin’ Hinnies, the Geordie version of the scone. They are made using flour, baking powder, lard/butter, milk and sugar, then cooked on a flat griddle which gives it the “Singin’” part of its’ name as it sizzles. What makes them even more Geordie is the “Hinnies” part, due to it being a term of endearment in Newcastle.
5. Chips and gravy
The ultimate Geordie comfort food! Chips and gravy go together like… Chips and gravy. The dish is so simple yet oh so delicious. All it involves is chips drowning in gravy, and there’s nothing better than stuffing your face with this glorious food after a drunk night out.
6. Craster Kippers
Craster kippers are from the Northumberland village of Craster. They are famous for being the best British kipper. One of the most defining qualities of the kipper is that it is usually smoked in a smokehouse located in the village of Craster, therefore making it unique.
7. Tyneside Floddies
Floddies, the Geordie version of potato cakes. They look quite simple in appearance but are known as a breakfast delicacy, made from potato, onion and streaky bacon, having these for breakfast is sure to set you up for the day.
8. Panaculty
Originating in Sunderland, panaculty is no doubt bizarrely named. It is traditionally made on a Monday, following Sunday as the leftover food from Sunday lunch such as potatoes, corned beef and onions etc. would be included, then left to slow cook.