A new skyscraper in Newcastle is set to be built on Rutherford Street, and expected to result in a £40.5m boost to local economy.
The housing scheme was given the green light by Newcastle City Council on Thursday 2 February with plans to reconstruct the old vacant warehouse – destroyed by a fire ten years ago, into a 82m high tower of rental flats.
Developers hope that it’ll get attention from young working professionals and graduates who want to live in high quality, well maintained accommodation within the city centre.

The flats will be situated between Blackfriars Friary and Charlotte Square, which will provide an easy pedestrian access to the city centre. The accessibility will be maintained between the local shops and restaurants nearby.
Project promoter and Managing Director of Citygrove, Andrew Rennie said: “The public realm works will improve Bath Lane, Rutherford Street and the setting of the Town Walls to the benefit of people living and working in the city centre.”
The proposed development is hoping to create approximately 150 jobs, boosting working opportunities within the region, and a contribution of an estimated £230,000 per year to the council.
An ecological feature will be fitted within the design, with bird and bat boxes aiming to enhance sustainability. The area will not include a car park, but instead 82 cycle spaces will be provided, in order to reflect on the sustainable location.
The building will be spread over 26 floors. It will include a lobby, reception, three one bed apartments, household waste and recycling storage, and plant/substation rooms.
The property developers, Citygrove believe that the construction will take two years, and works are to commence later this year.