SRNews attended Siglion’s Sunderland City Half Marathon on May 7 which was hailed as a resounding success.
Over 4000 people have took part in the 3K, 10K and half marathon races in Siglion’s Run Sunderland event at Sunderland’s Keel Square on May 7.
Sunderland welcomed athletes Paula Radcliffe and Alyson Dixon who took part in the half marathon event. Running non-competitively, Dixon beat world-record holder Radcliffe in the race. The two ladies then jogged back up the course to run alongside a fellow competitor.
Although the weather was dry it was very windy in particular areas of the course, causing some runners to find the race difficult. However this did not stop some competitors from achieving their personal best.
There were plenty of fun outfits being worn in the races from Donald Duck, who stopped to take pictures with people along the way, to a man running with a wheelie bin attached to his back.
As always, the people of Sunderland were very supportive and stood by the start and finish points at Keel Square, around Wearmouth Bridge and down by the University of Sunderland St Peter’s campus to watch the runners pass by. Crowds cheered, waved and applauded as the runners made their way through Sunderland while retired athlete Steve Cram maintained a strong level of control and safety.
Many people ran their race for charity awareness while others ran competitively, with Abraham Tewelde winning the half marathon race.
For more information visit and watch the video above.